The Importance Of Microsites

News at Trilogy | 02/02/2020

Purchaser buying habits have changed considerably in recent years and are continually evolving. Each month, we take a look at the ways Trilogy are adapting to keep ahead of the game. This month we are looking at Microsites.

According to the latest figures, over 95% of all property searches now begin online. Hardly surprising given our increasing appetite for access to instant information 24/7. But with over 1 million properties available on the portals at any one time, it is becoming increasingly difficult for developers to stand out in the market.

Experienced developers understand that the portals only play a small role in a wider sales and marketing campaign. Most purchasers will come in contact with as many as 8 ‘touch points’ before they finally commit to buying their new home. This would typically involve the estate agent, site hoarding, newspaper advertising, window displays, PR editorial, the show home, emailers, social media and digital marketing to name but a few. So how do you focus this attention in an efficient and effective manner?

The Trilogy team have long seen the benefits of providing all their clients a dedicated microsite with an easily memorable URL, which can be prominently displayed or linked to across all the marketing material. When displayed next to our phone number, we are giving prospective purchasers the option to either speak with us or visit the microsite to find out much of the information they want. This is particularly helpful ‘after hours’ whilst the desire to explore a particular development is still fresh in their minds.

The microsites will always contain a selection of photographs, a detailed specification, up-to-date availability and pricing, a 3D tour, links to pertinent PR, a downloadable brochure and various options to contact us. We will shortly be announcing an exciting new marketing tool to be added to the sites, but that will have to wait for another day!

Crucially, a dedicated microsite cuts out much of the noise in the market and ensures that each development is perfectly presented, with easily accessibly information around the clock.